How to kill a specific active SSH session after a defined time interval – version 2

How to kill a specific active SSH session after a defined time interval – version 2   There are a few different ways you can kill an active SSH session after a defined time interval: 1. Use the timeout command: You can use the timeout command to run a command with a time limit. For…

How to kill a specific active SSH session after a defined time interval – version 2


There are a few different ways you can kill an active SSH session after a defined time interval:

1. Use the timeout command:

You can use the timeout command to run a command with a time limit. For example, you can use the following command to kill an active SSH session after 60 seconds:

timeout 60 ssh username@hostname

2. Use the at command:

The at command allows you to schedule a command to be executed at a specified time in the future. For example, you can use the following command to kill an active SSH session after 60 seconds

echo "pkill ssh" | at now + 1 minute

3.  Use a script:

You can also write a script that checks the duration of an active SSH session and kills it if it exceeds a certain time limit. Here’s an example of a Bash script that does this:


# Set the time limit (in seconds)

# Get the PID of the SSH session
pid=$(pgrep ssh)

# Get the start time of the SSH session
start_time=$(ps -o etime= -p $pid)

# Calculate the elapsed time
elapsed_time=$(($(date +%s) - $(date -d "$start_time" +%s)))

# Check if the elapsed time is greater than the time limit
if [ $elapsed_time -gt $time_limit ]; then
  # Kill the SSH session
  kill $pid

You can then set up a cron job to run this script periodically (e.g., every minute) to check for and kill any active SSH sessions that have exceeded the time limit.

I hope this helps!